Hansen Raumgestaltung aus Brandenburg Berlin

About me

My journey began as a draughtswoman

I have been fascinated by furniture and interior design for many years. After several internships in various joineries, I decided to train as a draughtswoman. I gained my professional experience in architectural offices and developed a technical understanding of the structural elements of buildings. This expertise in the basics of construction is still the foundation of my professional work today.

Inspiration from different cultures

My path has taken me through many different countries around the world. After working in a French architecture firm and starting a family, I travelled on to Belgium and the USA. These intercultural influences have broadened my perspective and shaped my understanding of aesthetics and design.


Einrichtungsberaterin Christiane Liche

Family and designing spaces
During my time abroad, I learnt how important it is to create a place that feels like home. Through various experiences in interior design, I deepened my love of detail and found my passion.

Professional qualification
I completed my formal training in interior design and interior architecture with top marks. This qualification, my experience in building construction and the cultural influences of my life form the basis of my work.

My philosophy
As an interior design consultant, I am convinced that living spaces are living spaces and should reflect the personality of their occupants. My job is to realise individual living concepts and transform your home into a place that is aesthetically pleasing, harmonious and functional.

Let’s transform your living space into your home!

Christiane Liche – Interior design consultant

© 2024 Hansen Raumgestaltung